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詩集 掙扎的貝類

Poetry Collection Struggling Shellfish

​Written by Zhuxue Deren

Published by Route Culture, Ltd

Designed by Chia-Lin WU

Photo by Yu-Wei LIN

獎項 Awards

2021 台北國際書展大獎入圍

TIBE Book Prize


2020 全國優秀青年詩人獎

National Outstanding Poet Award (Taiwan)

2012 教育部文藝創作獎短篇小說優選

Literary and Artistic Creation Award of the Ministry of Education (Taiwan)

Merit Award in the category of short novels

藝術家駐村 Artist-in-Residence

2023 YUI-PORT 新潟市藝術創造村(日本)

YUI-PORT Niigata City Center for Creative Arts (Japan)

2022 台北國際藝術村(台灣)

Taipei Artist Village (Taiwan)

展覽  Exhibition

2024 GM,開路:藝術生態系的在場證明,台北市立美術館

GM, Kairos: Proof of Attendance for Arts and Cultural Ecosystem

Taipei Fine Arts Museum (Taiwan)

2024 月球博物館 ,月球南極

Moon Museum

Moon’s South Pole (Milky Way)

2023 鬼之國的咖哩店 ,AIPORT佐渡

Curry Shop in Oni no Kuni

Aiport Sado (Japan)

2023 鬼之國的咖哩店 ,YUI-PORT 新潟市藝術創造村

Curry Shop in Oni no Kuni

YUI-PORT Niigata City Center for Creative Arts (Japan)

2018 Luna- 詩與攝影三人聯展,reading room Taipei

Luna - Poetry and Photography Trio Exhibition

reading room Taipei (Taiwan)

演出 Performance

2022 小地方不斷電讀詩馬拉松,台北詩歌節

Taipei Poetry Festival

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