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詩人、作家。2021年以詩集《掙扎的貝類》入圍台北國際書展大獎,成為該獎項開辦以來第一本入圍的詩集。2012年、2017年及2022年受邀至台北詩歌節擔任講者。2015年與三毛、司馬中原等人的作品一同被選定為「全國大學院校室內/空間設計競圖大賽」之設計題目。2024年2月被拱門任務基金會選入「方舟月球藝術典藏(Arch Lunar Art Archive)」計畫,詩作〈月球博物館〉經由奧德修斯月球著陸器載至月球長久保存,為目前已知最早登陸月球的華文新詩作品融合詩與小說,詩人向陽曾評語:「若說他是獨闢蹊徑,開創台灣小說詩的第一人,亦不為過。」

Born in 1991 in Taipei, Taiwan

M.A. in Japanese Literature, Hosei University (Tokyo, Japan)

Zhuxue Deren is a poet and writer. He was nominated for the TiBE Book Price in 2021. In 2012, 2017 and 2022, He was invited to the Taipei Poetry Festival as a speaker. In 2015, the design topic of the National University and College Interior/Space Design Competition was based on his work, alongside the works of luminaries such as Sanmao and Sima Zhongyuan. In February 2024, his poem "Moon Museum" was selected by the Arch Mission Foundation for the Arch Lunar Art Archive. The poem was carried to the moon by the Odysseus lunar lander for permanent preservation, making it the earliest known Modern Chinese poem to land on the moon. His works combine poetry and fiction. The poet Xiang Yang once commented that "It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the first person to pioneer Taiwanese fiction poetry."

獎項 Awards

2021 台北國際書展大獎入圍

TIBE Book Prize


2020 全國優秀青年詩人獎

National Outstanding Poet Award (Taiwan)

2012 教育部文藝創作獎短篇小說優選

Literary and Artistic Creation Award of the Ministry of Education (Taiwan)

Merit Award in the category of short novels

藝術家駐村 Artist-in-Residence

2023 YUI-PORT 新潟市藝術創造村(日本)

YUI-PORT Niigata City Center for Creative Arts (Japan)

2022 台北國際藝術村(台灣)

Taipei Artist Village (Taiwan)

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